By Sally Taylor on December 16, 2015
Woodward Library is pleased to announce that as a result of generous donations from the Estate of Robert Charles Brooke and the Estate of Richard Irving Greyson, UBC now has a subscription to TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information Resource). The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) is a database of genetic, genomic, and molecular biology data for the […]
By Sally Taylor on September 15, 2015
Come and celebrate science at Woodward Library and at other venues on campus and around town! In its second year, Science Literacy Week (September 21-27, 2015) has gone nation-wide with 100 participating institutions from nearly 50 cities! What’s going on at Woodward Library? Robots! 3D printing! Biological specimens! Drop by Thursday 3:00-4:30pm for some […]
By Sally Taylor on June 30, 2015
Association of Canadian University Presses (ACUP) A new initiative from the Association of Canadian University Presses (ACUP) will make their content more accessible. UBC Library has purchased ebooks for 2014 to 2016 (an estimated 2100 titles) from the following publishers: University of British Columbia Press, University of Alberta Press, Athabasca University Press, University of Calgary […]
By Sally Taylor on January 23, 2015
As the days are getting longer, what better way to begin 2015 than by recognizing International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL)? Designated by the United Nations, International Year of Light is described on the IYL website as a “global initiative which will highlight to the citizens of the world the importance of light and […]