Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports

Please join me online today for a class about Web of Science and Journal Citation Reports!

Web of Science is a multidisciplinary database that indexes over 10000 journals and offers powerful search options, including:

  • refining results by subject, author, source, year or country
  • tracking how often an article has been cited and the articles that have cited it
  • creating search alerts via email or RSS

Its companion tool, Journal Citation Reports can be used to find the impact factor of a journal to identify highly cited journals in a discipline.

Click on the following link to join the class: http://ubc.wimba.com/launcher.cgi?room=Web_of_Science

To avoid any technical problems, please see: How to Prepare for an Online Class

If you need help once the class has started, phone 604.822.4440.

Sally Taylor, Woodward Library.

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