BC C&W Study & Learning Commons provided by the Faculty of Medicine
- It is a shared space between the UBC Faculty of Medicine and PHSA.
- Location: BC Children's and Women’s hospital campus, F4, Shaughnessy Building.
- Access: Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by anyone with a PHSA ID swipe card.
- A collection of reference materials to support the MD Undergraduate Program is available at the Study & Learning Commons. Search the collection.
- A guide to the Study & Learning Commons can be found here: Study & Learning Commons
UBC Students, Staff, and Faculty
UBC Library provides information, research consultations, and workshops for UBC faculty, staff and students.
- UBC Clinical Faculty can obtain a UBC Clinical Faculty Library card online:
- For borrowing information please see Borrowing Services.
- Workshops are available upon request. See contact information below.
- Reference is offered virtually and in-person.
- Connect to Library resources.
UBC BC Children’s and Women’s Librarian | Additional support is available at Woodward Library |
Prubjot Gill Email: prubjot.gill@ubc.ca Phone: 604-822-4970 |
Email: wd.ref@ubc.ca Phone: 604-822-4440 |
BC Children’s Hospital and BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre Hospital Staff
Hospital employees may obtain UBC library cards at the Biomedical Branch Library and Woodward Library.
- Get Library Access
- For borrowing information, please see Borrowing Services.
Hospital employees are encouraged to use the library services provided by BC Women’s and Children’s Library & Knowledge Services at the C&W Library & Knowledge Services.
BC C & W Librarian |
Email: ClinicalLibrary@cw.bc.ca Hours: Mon-Wed |
Access to Resources
Hospital employees are encouraged to use the A-Z Database List, which provides access to CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and many full-text journals.
Hospital employees may have access to library services provided by professional organizations, see Health Information Resources Provided by Professional Associations and Employers.