Summer Systematic Review Workshops at Woodward Library

Woodward Library is offering two workshops this July on systematic reviews. For more information on systematic reviews, contact your subject librarian or take a look at our research guide.

Systematic Review Search Methodology
July 8th, 9-1, Woodward Library Computer Lab – B25

Register here:

Need to know what the search process for systematic reviews is about? This half day session will provide an introduction to the process of locating relevant studies and recording the methodology. Topics include the systematic review process, framing the search question with tools like PICO, searching Medline and other databases and grey literature sources, and tips for using citation management software for systematic reviews.

Statistical Methodology for Systematic Reviews
July 15th, 9-1:30, Woodward Library Computer Lab – B25

Register here:

Hands-on workshop on statistical methodology used in systematic reviews, and an introduction to RevMan software ( Taught by Shayesteh Jahanfar, PhD, International Cochrane Trainer. Content covered will include: double screening process; data extraction process; providing examples of data extraction form; introducing Distiller software to ease the process of screening; effect measures such as odds ratio and relative risk; heterogeneity; and creating a forest plot, tables of included and excluded studies, and risk of bias graphs in Revman.