Access Guide

2198 Health Sciences Mall (it is located inside of the IRC-Instructional Resources Centre 2194 Health Sciences Mall)

Phone: 604-822-2883 (information);
Reference: 604-822-4440 (reference);


Campus Wheelchair Hazards Map - Instruction Resources Centre (IRC) & Woodward Library Building Area (as pdf - uses Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Instructional Resources Centre (IRC) & Woodward Library Building - Entrance Floor Plan Accessibility Points (as pdf - uses Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Access Information

There are two designated handicap parking spaces in the UBC Hospital parking lot. The Health Sciences Parkade has designated handicap parking.

Building and Library entrance
Entrance to the library is from the inside of the Instructional Resource Centre (IRC). There are 2 access points for wheelchairs. There is a wheelchair lift in front of the split level to the library and a wheelchair ramp to the south of the split level foyer to the library.

The elevator provides access to all floors.

Library catalogue and computers
The library catalogue is available on all computers which are at table height. Laptop computers are available for loan for UBC students, staff and faculty.

Staff photocopying is available, except at peak times during the term. Enhanced Services Library Cardholders are charged 10 cents copying fee per page.

Public telephones
There are no public telephones in the Woodward Library.

Widths vary throughout the Library from 79cm to 92cm wide. Anticipate obstruction from tables, chairs and book trucks.

An accessible washroom is located on the garden/basement level beside the teaching lab denoted by signage. There are no automated doors.

Drinking Fountains
Water fountains are located on all floors beside the north-east stairway of the library except for the third floor, where the fountain is located beside the public elevator.

Book and Journal Retrieval is available on request during reference hours or contact 604-822-2883. Anticipate a turnaround time of up to 24 hours. Note, that retrieval for items specifically from the Memorial Room will only be during the weekday.
