- Sir Charles Sherrington Exhibit2022 marks several anniversaries in Sherrington’s life. This display commemorates the 90th anniversary (1932) of receiving the Nobel Prize for physiology and the 70th anniversary of his death in 1952. The exhibit features a replica of… Read more: Sir Charles Sherrington Exhibit
- Harry Hawthorn CollectionCabinets funded from the Haig Brown (1908-1976) endowment house a selection of the Harry Hawthorn Foundation collection of books on fly-fishing. The cabinets include 3 sets of hand tied flies, other fishing paraphernalia and five full-scale salmon carvings… Read more: Harry Hawthorn Collection
- Sir Charles Sherrington PortraitSir Charles Scott Sherrington Portrait 1857-1952 Plaque Charles Scott SherringtonO.M., G.B.E. F.R.S., M.D.Physician – Poet – Philosopher and Friend of U.B.C.Portrait by R.G. EvesPresented by Carr Sherrington and family
- Norman Bethune TapestryThis tapestry shows Canadian surgeon, Dr. Norman Bethune, operating in a little Buddist temple. He was assisting the 8th Route Army in 1939.
- William Harvey (1578-1657) portraitPresented by Donald Paterson MD to the School of Medicine, UBC in 1964, this is a copy from the original painting by Cornelius Jansen in the Royal College of Physicians, London, England.
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