The Medical Art Gallery is an online gallery curated by Dr. Carol-Ann Courneya, featuring artworks by UBC medical and dental students, as well as Canadian healthcare trainees and practitioners. The 2023 exhibit is currently accepting digital submissions in three categories (descriptions provided by Dr. Courneya):
- Heartfelt Images: This is a celebration of cardiac art by UBC medical students that has been going on since 2001. Current medical students create and submit original pieces of art (any medium) along with a statement that describes how the art relates to what they are learning about the heart. (Deadline: January 22, 2023)
- Artodontia: This is a celebration of cardiac art by UBC dental students that has been going on since 2016. Current first year dental students create and submit original pieces of art (any medium) along with a statement that describes how the art relates to what they are learning in Dental school about the heart. (Deadline: February 26, 2022)
- White Coat Warm heART: a national art exhibit that accepts original submissions (any topic/ any medium) from health care practitioners from across the country. A JURY selects the top 25 entries for showing at a love exhibit at sites across the country. (Deadline: February 5, 2023)
The top three submissions for Heartfelt Images will be awarded Littman cardiology stethoscopes! For more information and submission guidelines, please visit the Teaching Medicine website (click on “Art Gallery” for the gallery):
Below is a selection of student artworks from previous years. To read about the creation process/inspiration, check them out on the website!